Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gandhi was on to something

I recently watched the movie "Gandhi" again. He isn't the only one who got his way with stubborn self-sacrifice, although one of the best known.

Forever, it seems, I have thought that Palestinians, among others groups, should try peaceful non-cooperation. It's less lethal to both sides than armed resistance, costs only time and organizational skills, and makes its point by provoking shame in its target. Done correctly, the western media would cover it extensively and arouse public condemnation of the oppressors.

Gandhi and his followers in South Africa burned their identity cards which whites weren't required to carry, and the law was eventually changed. This achievement also brought worldwide attention. Martin Luther King did the same for African-Americans.

Never underestimate the power of the pocketbook. Hit them where it hurts most...their wallets. Get the ladies to block traffic so that commerce and travel are disrupted. They will make a huge statement, and though some may be arrested for a time, none will be seriously hurt. Continue with similar actions and the Israelis will be overwhelmed by the numbers. The world community will pressure them to relent. They must concede.

Palestinians again are under siege. These attacks and counterattacks and arrests and deaths go on year after year after year. Of course, were I a Palestinian I would feel the urge to lash out at Israel. It's a very human reaction. But the "average" Palestinian is not gaining ground using the old tactics.

Call all the media. Get the women, a most sympathetic group, out on the streets with placards. Ask the Palestinian Israeli women to halt traffic in Tel Aviv and other major cities.

I'd like your opinion.

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